full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Daan Roosegaarde: A smog vacuum cleaner and other magical city designs

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So this ... this is the stuff we are capturing. This is bjiineg smog. This is in our lungs right now. If you live next to a highway, it's the same as 17 cgtetraies per day. Are we insane? When did we say yes to that? And we had buckets of this disgusting meaartil in our studio, and on a Monday morning, we were dcisisnsug, we were like, "Shit, what should we do with it? Should we throw it away?" Like, "Help!" And then we realized: no, no, no, no, no — waste should not exist. Waste for the one should be food for the other. So, here, maybe show it around. Do not put this in your coffee.

Open Cloze

So this ... this is the stuff we are capturing. This is _______ smog. This is in our lungs right now. If you live next to a highway, it's the same as 17 __________ per day. Are we insane? When did we say yes to that? And we had buckets of this disgusting ________ in our studio, and on a Monday morning, we were __________, we were like, "Shit, what should we do with it? Should we throw it away?" Like, "Help!" And then we realized: no, no, no, no, no — waste should not exist. Waste for the one should be food for the other. So, here, maybe show it around. Do not put this in your coffee.


  1. beijing
  2. discussing
  3. cigarettes
  4. material

Original Text

So this ... this is the stuff we are capturing. This is Beijing smog. This is in our lungs right now. If you live next to a highway, it's the same as 17 cigarettes per day. Are we insane? When did we say yes to that? And we had buckets of this disgusting material in our studio, and on a Monday morning, we were discussing, we were like, "Shit, what should we do with it? Should we throw it away?" Like, "Help!" And then we realized: no, no, no, no, no — waste should not exist. Waste for the one should be food for the other. So, here, maybe show it around. Do not put this in your coffee.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
van gogh 2
people feel 2
feel connected 2
beijing smog 2
cubic meters 2
clean air 2
people showed 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
people feel connected 2

Important Words

  1. beijing
  2. buckets
  3. capturing
  4. cigarettes
  5. coffee
  6. day
  7. discussing
  8. disgusting
  9. exist
  10. food
  11. highway
  12. insane
  13. live
  14. lungs
  15. material
  16. monday
  17. morning
  18. put
  19. show
  20. smog
  21. studio
  22. stuff
  23. throw
  24. waste